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Book Review| Becoming by Michelle Obama

Updated: May 10, 2019

With this being the best selling memoir of 2018, it probably would be safe to assume that this book and/or author needs no introduction, however I will do it anyway. Becoming by Michelle Obama chronicles the life of a woman who would serve as the First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS) between 2009-2017. Full of intimate color photos of the "girl from the South Side of Chicago", this book has inspired millions to dream big. Including myself.

I subtly asked my husband to pre-order this book for me as a birthday gift last year so I had it "in hand" quite early, admittedly though, only recently finishing it. I also had the opportunity to attend the Houston, Texas leg of her book tour. Check out a video of her jazzy stage entrance below!

"You can only live your story when you believe in your story...When you are not embarrassed by your story...then you are empowered by your story." ~Michelle Obama

No matter your political affiliation everyone can find something inspiring about Michelle Obama. What is most enjoyable about this body of work is that it focuses on the girl that became the women who eventually became FLOTUS. Essentially, she subtly stresses to the reader that she was a whole person before the White House, before Barack. She outlines the pivotal lessons learned from the environments, her parents, family, friends, mentors leading her in the direction of becoming...

Obama's writing style is full of humility and honesty. The reader gets drawn in with the warmth of a family dinner. She pulls you in, fills you with encouragement then sends you out in to the world to become your own best version of you... because you too, are becoming...

The reader quickly learns that the White House, like many other milestone experiences in her life, is just a pit stop for Mrs. Obama. She is forever Becoming, and we just can't wait to see what's next!

Happy reading my friends!




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