Have you ever had a nervous break down in the middle of Winter while avoiding a few extra pounds by resisting the office holiday cakes and pies, shopping for the perfect Christmas present for EVERYONE, forcing a genuine smile to ANYONE in passing, and being bent on teaching the kids to cover their mouths during a sneeze (not after) just before your in-laws are due for a visit?
Yeah, me neither. But if we ever do...right when those crocodile tears start to run down our pretty little faces, Rachel Hollis will be there in the Christian section of the bookstore, willing and waiting to tell us, "Girl, wash your face !", in her Weedpatch, California drawl.
Girl, wash your face by Rachel Hollis is a non-fiction collection of short (embarrassing, heartfelt) stories about the author's experiences as a young woman in a world with great expectations.
Hollis packages each lesson with the "Lie" that she believed which created her own unrealistic expectation of herself. Lies that Hollis believes haunts most women and prevents them from being the greatness God calls them to become.
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Hollis shares events of battling her weight, being rejected by her husband, losing her brother at a young age, several failed adoptions, having one too many drinks (often), doubts about being a mom and so much more. At the end each chapter she lists the tools that helped her get though the tough times. These lists include A LOT of therapy.
"... know this is one great truth: you are in control of your own life." ~Rachel Hollis
Rachel Hollis' writing is clear, interesting and alluring. She is a master of giving the reader a felling of closeness to her down-to-earth charm with the superiority of being an experienced, proficient writer. Her story telling is honest and well timed as the reader is forced to self-reflect and check their emotions between the pages.
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(Chapter Titles)
Introduction: Hey Girl, Hey!
Chapter 1: The Lie: Someone else will make you happy
Chapter 2: The Lie: I'll Start Tomorrow
Chapter 3: The Lie: I'm not good enough
Chapter 4: The Lie: I'm better than you
Chapter 5: The Lie: Loving Him is enough for me
Chapter 6: The Lie: No is the Final Answer
Chapter 7: The lie: I'm Bad at Sex
Chapter 8: The Lie: I don't know how to be a mom
Chapter 9: The Lie: I'm not a good mom
Chapter 10: The Lie: I should be further along by now
Chapter 11: The Lie: Other People's kids are so much cleaner/better organized/more polite than mine
Chapter 12: The Lie: I need to make myself smaller
Chapter 13: The Lie: I'm going to marry Matt Damon
Chapter 14: The Lie: I'm a Terrible Writer
Chapter 15: The Lie: I will never get pass this
Chapter 16: The Lie: I can't tell the truth
Chapter 17: The Lie: I am Defined by my weight
Chapter 18: The Lie: I need a Drink
Chapter 19: The Lie: There's only one right way to be
Chapter 20: The Lie: I need a Hero
Girl, once you wash your face, hurry to Amazon and get Rachel Hollis sequel:
Happy Reading Friends!