The 2018 Dyslexia Dash was complete with a record 1710 participants. If you have a copy of my 2018 run tour schedule by now then you already know that this run was not originally on my journey. However the Cupcake Run in Atlanta was canceled at the last minute so me and the amigos had to quickly find a replacement. Though it rained, I am so glad we did! The funds raised from the Dyslexia Dash are set aside to provide low-cost teacher trainings, seminars, support groups, and referral & advocacy services for those affected by Dyslexia.

Wow Factor:
This 5k run sparked one of the most inspiring moments on the tour: seeing a young girl complete the run on crutches...literally TWO crutches for over 3 miles! Intuitively we are always aware that everyone is dealing with something, albeit physically, mentally and/or emotionally. To see so many people show up for something they believe in, no matter how gray the sky in their world or magnitude of their personal "stuff", is a blueprint for changing the world for the better. It's a reminder to ignore any judgement of your progressional pace. All progress won't be visible to others. Only you know how far you have come. #nevergiveup
Race location:
4400 Ashford Dunwoody Road
Atlanta, GA US 30346
5K, Unlimited Fun Runner, Kids Dash
Same Day Registration is available. Cash, Check, and Credit Cards are accepted. $40 per registration. No discounts are given on Dash Day.
Location and route:
