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Book Review| My Husband's Wife: A Novel by Jane Corry

My husband’s Wife is a novel centered on how traumas can affect our individual life journey and intersect when least expected. Lily is a lawyer who blossoms late in life as measured by societal standards, a bit of a plain Jane if you will. Determined to leave behind a family secret she marries ED for a fresh start and new leaf on life. Her very first murder case invites twists and turns into their lives in which they would have never expected, uncovering lies and opening the door for revenge, murder, and betrayal. When her husband takes on a new wife in a bazaar twist, Lily is forced to appraise her choices and shameful past before retribution.

Lily, Ed and Carla- the child of an Italian immigrant neighbor who is struggling to adjust living in a new country -respectively are prime examples of what happens when decisions are made in the presence of societal expectation without addressing past mental and emotional hurt.


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This is the first book I have read by Jane Cory. There are several plots to keep it interesting as Lily struggles with her marriage, work-life, past family trauma and new relationships. The plots seems to work into each other relatively well. The book is well written, gleefully Britain, and periodically eventful. Beautifully written monologues direct the story with peppered character dialogue. I truly enjoyed experiencing the relationship between Carla and her mother. Both flawed individuals protecting each other the best they know how and extending unconditional love. This was a beautifully added subplot.

It took me a few weeks to finish the book. Reading a few pages of the novel each night helped me over the lulls to later devour the twists and turns. I would also recommend this book as a great read among the ever growing “vacation” book stack.

I am looking forward to hearing what you think about this book. As always, when you are finished reading, connect with me on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook to let me know your thoughts, questions and/or comments. I love hearing from you all!

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Xoxoxoxoxox -Happy Reading My friends!



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