Read my review of the annual charity run, honoring Sgt. Keith Ferguson, across the Brooklyn Bridge. Proceeds provide three endowments at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and award scholarships to children of NYPD officers.

Begins at the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge,
City Hall Park-Broadway & Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007
Same day registration:
Organizational Effectiveness:
This race was impressively organized though a bit hard to find. Since we were from out of town and our Uber driver didn't know the area too well we arrived a bit late to registration. There is no actual address on the website so the Uber driver couldn't put an exact location in his GPS. We were dropped off at the park and then asked other runners (with bib numbers) for the direction toward the registration table. Once we arrived the organizers/volunteers were pleasant and helped us along the way.
Trail/Course info:
This run was an "out-and-back" race over the Brooklyn Bridge. There is a climb uphill (long slow low incline) at both ends of the bridge. Please prepare for these long slow inclines. Since you are reading this it won't completely catch you off guard like myself. The trial is a mix of paved cement and "boardwalk-like" planks.
Before the race began, there was a moment of silence where we honored Sgt. Keith Ferguson followed by an impressive display of officers in uniform. Some mounted on horses and others standing in formation at the starting line. Both the United States National Anthem and the Black/African-American National Anthem was sang before runners took their marks.
As with most runs of this size, it begins a bit cramped so expect to loose a few minutes off of your best time navigating through the crowd until you can open your stride. Unless, of course, you begin at the front of the line with the professionals- in that case you can run free and wild! Once on the bridge the views were some of the most breathtaking and spectacular that I have seen, in person, of New York City. I also lost a few minutes of my time by stopping on the bridge just to take in the scenery. Participants were very cheerful and friendly. There were a considerable amount of walkers.
WOW factor:
A rare chance to race over the Brooklyn Bridge, one of New York's most popular tourist sites.
Would I run it again?
I actually will run this race again! It's a stop on the #12runof2018 tour. Can't wait!
Will I see you there?
How to register:
Check out @readontherun Instagram for more pics!