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Travel Inspiration| Arizona Spa Secrets

Updated: Feb 10, 2020

Travel Inspiration| Arizona Spa|

Are you looking for a getaway that will restore your mental health, bring you back to your peaceful place and pamper you along the way? Well, meet @joyenlightened who gives us some serious travel inspiration by sharing her trip to the L’Auberge De Sedona spa in Uptown Sedona, Arizona. You won’t want to miss this!



The year 2019 was quickly coming to an end and I was so grateful to have made it this far because it was a very emotionally trying year. The Christmas holiday was fast approaching and I was looking forward to some much needed rest and relaxation. I didn’t have any particular plans for the holidays. My children were going to be spending Christmas with their father because per the divorce agreement, he gets them on the odd numbered years. I had been preoccupied with organizing my Holiday Gala to raise money for Mental Health Awareness (It went really well!) that I really didn’t have much bandwidth to plan anything else until it was done.

@joyenlightens |Travel Inspiration |

On Monday, after the Gala, I was met with an unfortunate circumstance of betrayal at work. Already weary from everything that had happened that year, my low emotional tank drained completely and was now on empty. I still recall the sharp pain I felt in my chest and head as I tried to process everything that was going on. I struggled to keep a smile on my face and keep my head up but this was proving to be an impossible task. I needed to heal but I didn’t know how to go about getting that healing. By Wednesday of that week, it became increasingly clear to me that I needed to step away from my environment to get some much needed healing. The first place that came to my mind was the red mountains in Sedona, Arizona which I had only seen in pictures. I had never been to Arizona before but something was pulling my heart there.


Name: Joy

Traveling Destination: Arizona

Spa Stay: $2,797.73 (three nights)

Plane Ticket: $677

Airport Transportation: $110

Spa: $415

Food: $145


I searched online for spa resorts in Arizona and fell in love with L’Auberge De Sedona. This beautiful resort is position around the magnificent red mountains. I looked at a few other places but my heart kept going back to this place. The nightly rate of was much higher than the other places I saw but I knew that was where I needed to be. The cost for 3 nights stay came to $2,233.00 + $564.73 for taxes for a total of $2,797.73. I have never paid this much to stay anywhere in my life. Even my work trips at fancy hotels in foreign countries didn’t cost this much and I have stayed at some really nice places! But did this cost deter me? No it did not! I was desperate and I needed help fast. I was paying for my healing, I was paying for restoration, I was paying for wisdom and guidance on how to move forward from this very emotionally sticky place.

I booked my stay from December 24th to December 27th. I would be spending the Christmas holiday away from home. Something I haven't done in years. I would also be spending it alone. I looked up plane tickets to Arizona expecting to see a reasonable amount but also forgetting this was one of the busiest travel seasons. Airfare was $677 roundtrip ouch. Thankfully, I remembered that I had airlines miles from my work trips. Phew, that definitely came in handy!

Next I had to booked airport transfer from the airport to the resort. Sedona is about 2hrs from Phoenix which is the closest airport. The airport transfer came to $110 roundtrip. Upon arriving in Sedona, the sights of the red mountains was breathtaking. I immediately knew I was in a spiritual place. Arriving at the resort, everything was as it was presented online. Carefully manicured and situated for a refreshing and healing time. The staff was friendly and ready to assist with whatever I needed. But I didn’t have an itinerary except my spa time getting massages and a facial.

I walked into my room with soothing meditation music was playing on the TV. The place welcomed me with open arms and embraced me. I took a shower and put on one of the cozy robes they had in the room, then ordered room service. As I sat there looking at the wonderful meal in front of me and my glass of wine, I felt the ice around my heart start to melt a tiny bit. I knew I was where I needed to be. I enjoyed my meal and went to bed. It was a long day of traveling and a wonderful end to the day.

The next day was Christmas and it was my best day in Sedona. My line up was brunch, facial, quiet mind massage and 5 course meal special for dinner that the resort was offering. It had been over 10 years since I got a facial. I have sensitive skin which is why I usually shy away from them but something made me get one in Sedona and I did not regret it. It was right there while getting the facial that the wisdom I needed to navigate the circumstances I was facing started flowing to me. I felt my strength returning.

After the facial, I got the quiet mind massage. This treatment is designed to assist guests in learning to turn off their mind and fully experience their massage. I needed to relax and I needed to shut out all the thoughts that were stealing away my peace. It was a 90 min massage and very well worth the price tag which wasn’t cheap. I paid $245 for the 90 min massage and $170 for the 60 min facial.

Next was my 5 course meal dinner for $145. I went back to my room to get dolled up for dinner. By then I was feeling like jelly and feeling a lot warmer inside. My spirit was resonating with the place and I felt the healing taking place. I put on my fancy red dress to join the festive atmosphere and headed to dinner.

I was alone… As I walked in the restaurant, I could see all eyes on me. Some probably wondering if I was meeting someone there, or if the person would join me later. Nonetheless, I walked majestically to my table to enjoy my dinner alone. There was a family of 5 next to me. A few minutes after I sat down, the mother/wife approached me and asked if I would join their table. They had made reservations for 6 people but one of her daughters was sick and couldn't join them. I hesitated a bit but they seemed nice so I joined them. We had a great time talking and sharing stories as we went through the 5 courses. The food was different from what I am accustomed to eating but it tasted good. I was full by the 3rd course.

My heart was full of gratitude for the opportunity to come to Sedona and enjoy this magnificent place of healing. I spent the remaining time there eating, sleeping and I had another massage. It was finally time to head on home. On my last day, I went to check out the shops in the little town nearby. I bought two rings as a souvenir for my visit.

I can say that I was definitely transformed by this trip. As I watched the mountains from my airport transfer on the way home, I knew that even though this stay was over, it was just the beginning for me. Something had shifted in me. I was no longer the same. I knew I would be back here again. This time, I won’t wait for my emotional tank to be on empty.

I started my company Joy Enlightens which focuses on raising awareness about mental health. We all go through challenges but it’s important that we prioritize our mental state of mind and seek help and healing when needed. No one is immune to this.

Joy Enlightens LLC host events and invites speakers to share about how we can go about prioritizing our mental state of mind. See for more information.

Happy Travels Friends,



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